A simple stir fry - nothing more. I have seen a lot of people disliking beetroot. This is my attempt to make it interesting by adding a lot of seasoning, without losing the nutritional value.
I have added some rasam powder for a zing.
I love this stir fry alongside sambar rice.

Beetroot(I used one small & one medium)
Grated Coconut - a handful or two
Rasam Powder half a tsp (optional I use Sakthi Masala Rasam Powder which is really nice to add zing to any South Indian Prep)
Salt to taste
Channa Dal - 1 tsp
Urad Dal - 1 tsp
Curry leaves a few
Slit Green Chilli or Red chilli - 1
Oil - 1 tsp( I use coconut oil)
Mustard- 1 tsp
Cumin - 1 tsp
Hing - a pinch
1. Chop the beetroot roughly and pressure cook till soft. It really needs to be cooked for a long time to make it soft. Chopping beetroot is really tough and takes time. So, one tip I follow is first cook it till half done, peel the skin and chop. If you do not like to cook it with the skin on, you can quickly remove the skin and cook the whole beets. It is better to chop semi cooked beetroot.
2.Heat oil, add the dal,chillies,hing,mustard and cumin in that order. When the mustard pops, add the curry leaves and chopped beetroot. Add the rasam powder,salt. If you think it is cooked, add the coconut. Otherwise sprinkle a little water and cook to perfection. Now, add coconut and fry together for a min or two.
Serve hot.
Nice and colourful and delicious beetroot curry.
nice healthy curry
I make it the same way..just that i add sambar podi instead of rasa podi
I make it quite similar. Thanks for sending in your new year cake for the event !
Colorful and healthy dish. Recipe is simple too.
Happy new year Sree!
nice dish...tnx 4 sharing da
Interesting dear..The only form I can have beets is as Halwa..Otherwise I just run away... This one looks like it can break the ice :)
Sure da, I'll pen down what all I did during the vacation as a separate post..I had it in mind, but thought I shouldnt bore you all, but now that you've asked, I'll surely do it!! :D
Hi Vidya,
Thanks a ton for being my follower...
Beet root Curry sounds Alluring...
I am sure it tastes heavenly with rice and roti's....Nice Click as well...
colorful and healthy curry...thx for visiting my space, dear!...u ve a wonderful blog, all yummy recipes...glad to follow u..keep in touch!
Simple but a delicious stir fry
Simple & healthy one.My son's favorite.
Very healthy and yum curry !
healthy and yummy curry!!
yummy and healthy dish..Its my hubby's fav. I add red chilli powder and do not add coconut..wl try adding rasam powder next time. thx for sharing it..
Aparna Vijay
I have SO many beets in stock during season and never thought of doing a curry with them.
Would you know of any spice and herb importers or online Indian shopping by chance? I can't find hing anywhere and doubt I'll find it in Montana.
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